Friday, January 9, 2009

In between the tantrums...

Lately we've been having lots of fun with the terrible two's, but in between those tantrums there is the wonderful moments that make it all worth it! Since Xander's cousin Harmony came to play, Xander has started 'pretending'. I catch him every now and then sitting on the bed with his baby, talking to it...

"What happened baby? Need a bammy (bandaid)? Ok!" (pretends to get a bandaid and puts it on the baby)

(folds baby's arms) "Jeeus Cry, Amen! Ok, ni-night baby!" (puts baby to bed)

"Sore teef baby? Ok." (pretends to put Bonjela in baby's mouth)

It's all very cute...until you get caught taking pictures of said cuteness, then the tantrums start again....*sigh*....