20 years ago - I was 2 years old. I don't think I have any memories from this age. I do know that we were living in Albany Creek, just houses away from my future eternal companion :)

10 years ago - I was 12 years old, grade seven and about to enter the teenage years. I had cut my own fringe, which turned out just GREAT! (see all photos from 1998 for proof) My best friends were Nikki and Stacey. We spent lots of time roaming the streets of Laidley, eating $2 worth of chips (which was a lot of chips back then!) and basically just being kids.

3 years ago - I was 19 and a newly wed. Troy and I were living in Strathpine in the house his Grandfather left the kids. Everything changed very quickly! Gill moved in with us after about 3 months, around about the time we found out I was pregnant. I had a great job working at Pinelands Learning & Development Centre where they paid for me to do my Certificate 3 in childcare. As soon as we found out I was pregnant we started saving my paycheck and by the time Xander was born we had enough money to buy a car and a bike for Troy. The first year of marriage was hard, especially because I got pregnant so quickly and all those crazy hormones were messing with my head. But we got through it!

1 year ago - I was 21 and busy with a gorgeous one year old. Everyone was having big 21st parties which was heaps of fun. Xander and I went on a holiday to Tasmania to see my beautiful sister Evelynne Mai and her family. We had lots of fun but I missed Troy terribly. It was the first time we'd been apart since we got married. Xander got really sick around this time too. We ended up in the hospital with him on oxygen for a few days. They still don't know what's wrong with him!
So far this year - Lots has been going on for me this year! I got pregnant at the end of last year so I've dealt with yucky morning sickness and had lots of hospital and doctors appointments. I've managed to only gain 4kg which is FABULOUS considering I gained 20kg with Xander! At the beginning of the year I decided what I want to be when I grow up (apart from a loving mother and wife :) and I started my Photography Diploma. That all kicked off a lot faster than I'd planned. So far I've already done engagement, wedding, couple and family shoots. I'm up to module 9 out of 12. I was hoping to have it done before the baby came but I can't see that happening. But it's been a productive year for me!
Yesterday - I'm 20 days away from having a brand new baby, so I'm getting all the rest I can (Doctors orders!). After a Doctor's appointment in the morning I watched lots of McLeod's Daughters and ate choc mint ice cream.
Today - I finished Season 6 of McLeod's Daughters and spent the morning playing with Xander. Stef is coming over later, after she's had her wisdom teeth taken out! Yowch...
Tomorrow - Xander and I are going to watch Troy play his last game of soccer for the season. They haven't won a game at all this season, so we're keeping our fingers crossed for them!
The rest of this year - First of all I just want to get this baby safely into the world! After that I expect lots of sleepless nights and stinky nappies. And Charles comes home in October which we are all SUPER excited about!
1 comment:
fun fun... I love it!
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