Another cool thing I found...
3 Joys -
1. Being pregnant. The first 18 weeks were not much fun at all and I pretty much complained every day, but since then I've felt great! I haven't gained lots of weight, I'm still sleeping well at night, I've got lots of cute pregnant clothes...it's just been great! Plus I'm scared about the birth so I'm happy to stay pregnant forever! :P
2. My camera. I have never loved a material possession more than I love this camera. I don't think that I will ever get sick of taking photos, and if I do it will be a very VERY sad day! Studying has been hard and I've got a long long way to go, but there's just something so exciting about creating such a beautiful thing that everyone loves. I don't know anyone that doesn't appreciate a beautiful photo!
3. Being married. When we were first married I really struggled with seperating myself from the YSA scene. I missed my friends and all the fun stuff we used to do together. It's taken me a while but I'm finally over that and I LOVE being married. I would never EVER want to be single again. Marriage is safe and secure. I know that I'm always loved, no matter what. I know that I'm never alone and there will always be my Husband there to support me in whatever I do. I'm not a big 'alone time' person, so having someone with me all the time suits me perfectly! Marriage is the greatest :)
3 Fears
1. Losing a child. I don't think anyone could ever possibly understand what it feels like to be a mother unless they are one themselves. There's this instant change that comes over you, the second you hold your little baby. It's like all of a sudden you're the strongest woman in the world, and goodluck to the person that tries to hurt your baby cause they're a dead man! Sometimes I imagine to myself what I would do if someone tried to take Xander or hurt him, and I kinda scare myself because I realise that I really do think I could kill for him. I always tell Troy about the story of the woman that picks a car up to get her baby out. I totally believe that it happened. I could lift a car if Xander was trapped inside! Any day. BRING IT!
2. Being alone. I've never liked being alone. Maybe it comes from being a twin? I had Charles there with me through everything until we were 18. Then I got married and I had a Husband. I don't know what it is, but I love to always be surrounded by the people that I love. Even if we're just sitting around watching poxy T.V. I am positively terrified of something happening to Troy and being left alone. Let's just not think about it...
3. Heights. It's not super bad. Like if I was on "Who dares wins" and they were offering me lots of money, I'd prolly jump out of a plane. But I'd definitely be freaking out! Rollercoasters terrify me. I even get scared driving down the Toowoomba range!
3 Goals
1. Get this baby out safe and sound! I would love to do it drug free this time, but I'm not making any promises!
2. Get my Photography Diploma finished and find some awesome professional that I can work with to learn from. And learn how to use Photoshop!
3. Look like I did at my wedding. I think this one's a life-long goal, but I gotta put it out there! According to Oprah, it should work!
3 Obsessions
1. Food. Definitely food. I dunno about you, but I think about food every couple of hours! :P I know it might be an emotional problem, but food makes me feel better. If I'm having a crappy day, a sticky date pudding from Hungry Jacks can fix anything! And I love to find cool recipes and cook delicious things. I'm always on the look out for good recipes!
2. Photography. I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone that takes as many photos as me. We've had to buy more space for the computer cos my photos take up so much room!
3. T.V. It's terrible, I know! But there's just something so good about finding an awesome series and watching the whole season in a week. I love it! In a few years I'll be busy with kids and won't have the chance to sit around and watch T.V, so I'm enjoying it while I can! :P
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