Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Big Meeting...

So I had the meeting at the hospital today. Troy, Mum and Dad came. Overall it went pretty well. I got to ask all my questions and they were answered reasonably well. It was helpful to have Mum and Dad there because they asked questions that I forgot or was too scared to ask. I am so blessed with the greatest support system around me, which is why I think I’ve been able to deal with this so well.

From what we discussed today and the things that I’ve researched, I’m starting to believe that the hospital wasn’t at fault. They were extremely apologetic and sincerely sorry for the way things turned out. I do believe that they did everything correctly, I just happened to be one of those lucky 6 out of 100 000 women that this happens to.

We are pretty sure that it was the drug syntocinon that caused the uterine rupture, however the chances of it happening are so unlikely that the hospital doesn’t have a protocol for informing the patient about the side effects unless the patient has previously had a caesarean. They told me that they haven’t seen a case like mine in 20 years.

They have offered ongoing treatment for myself and Lilah, which I’m going to accept. They said it’s very unlikely that Lilah will have problems in the future, but I want to have her monitored, if only for my sanity!

I’m happy with the way that the doctors, nurses and midwives handled everything. Lilah and I could have been in a much worse condition if it weren’t for the help of everyone involved. I believe that they did everything they could for us and now I’m starting to let it all go. I don’t want to be angry anymore. I don’t want to blame anyone. I just want to accept what has happened and move on with life. I’ve started making a list of the positives that have come from our situation…

We have two healthy children
We have a boy and a girl so we won’t miss out on anything.
No more periods!
Don’t have to stress about being able to afford a large family
No need to feel guilty about not having more children
Don’t have to buy a new car – no mini vans for us!
Can afford to do more fun things as a smaller family
I can go back to work sooner
We will be a 2 income household and maybe even afford to buy a house!
I don’t ever have to go through morning sickness and labour ever again
I can get fit and not have to worry about gaining more baby weight later on.
I don’t have to hold on to all my old baby clothes and things
I can be the best auntie in the world cause I’ll have time and energy to be a good Auntie.
I only have to go through the hassle of toilet training twice
Not as much washing and dishes to clean
Save on birthdays, Christmas, Easter, holidays, clothing, education, dental and medical
Always one free space in the car
No 'middle child' syndrome

That’s all for now – I might add more later on if I think of some. Feel free to offer suggestions!


This Girl loves to Talk said...

glad it all went well... always scary going into meeting like that

suggestions for your list

you can give away all your baby stuff..
no holding on to boys clothes 'in the case of having a boy next' or girl for that matter

you can be the best aunty in the world.. favourite aunt status for the aunt who has time or energy for her nephews and nieces

and I am sure there are plenty of others

Kylz said...

wow! that would've been nerve racking! I'm glad everything went well and that you got all the answers you need. Families are the best!
Your are amazing the way you are handling everything!

Evelynne Hatchard said...

You forgot NO MORE CONTRACEPTION... EVER!!! (or is that one for Troy's list?) Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Dear Elizabeth,
I grew up just my brother and I(till brother #2 came along when I was almost 17) my big brother and I were really close because it was just the 2 of us. He was wise enough to keep his hot but ill intetioned friends away from me but so much fun. No doubt Xander and Lilah will be close knit too. You and Troy are such beautiful parents. It's about quality not quantity isn't it?
xo H
PS your so awesome!
PPS just love you to bits!
PPPS pls email me your address so I can send a little something for baby :-)

Im said...

I'm a little behind the times...I found your blog through Holly's blog and was really moved by this entry you made - you are an amazing woman Elizabeth!! Your insights are precious :-)

Much love, Im