Xander's birthday isn't until Monday the 4th of August but we're having his birthday party tomorrow so I made his cake today. His favourite show in the world is Diego so that's the theme of his party :)
Just a reminder to all the familia that Xander's 2nd birthday party is on this Saturday. Hardly any of you have told me if you're coming. Get those butts into gear! ;)
Troy - 26 - Looking forward to starting soccer again. Loving having Charles home to play with. Half way through his Diploma in Child Care.
Elizabeth - 22 - Loving being a mother of two. Amazed at how easy it is to care for our beautiful Lilah. Surprised by Xander's abilities. Finishing her Diploma in Photography in April.
Xander - 2 1/2 - Almost finished toilet training. Recently learnt all his cousins names and never stops talking about them. Loves all his big, loud toys. Kisses and cuddles his little sister too much :)
Lilah - 4 months - Starting to roll over. Giggling and smiling all day. Such a wonderful, amazing blessing in our lives.